The release date is...

We have a release date for the next Robert Galbraith books. I don't want to wait until September,  but, I'm going to have to. 
Do you like these books? Have any of you seen the Strike series?. And, am l going to wait even longer because I'm here in Australia?  I know we wait longer for films? Can someone explain why to me?
Leave me a comment.



  1. I haven't read any of the Galbraith (aka J. K. Rowling) books but I love the Strike series, currently showing on Binge. Both lead actors (Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger) are fantastic. I'm not so sure about the latest though. I thought the list of characters in 'The Ink Black Heart' was too long and confusing. The plot was a bit slow as well. Other series were entertaining.


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