Vox Choir - Tis The Season


On the weekend l went to another Choir performance.

I had forgotten about this ticket and, having seen this choir before, went along on Saturday.  I like choirs and have enjoyed past performances by this choir.  Vox is a mixed choir with female and male singers, unlike the Bel Canto Choir which is all female.

Unfortunately l didn't like this performance as much. I struggled to hear the male singers and wasn't that keen on the program. This is choral music, and l like choral music, but there was something that just didn't gel for me. The singing was good as was the pianist Heather Wickes. The audience was encouraged to join in on certain songs, but not me. I have such a terrible singing voice.

Would l see this choir again? Yes l would. They are a good choir. I wasn't actually planning to see anymore Christmas shows after Bel Canto and maybe should have left it at that. 

If you are in the local area  Vox are auditioning new members for next year. I won't be applying as they would be running for the door the minute  l opened my mouth.

Who else has been to see local community choirs?


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