Missing my record player Friday is changing. There will still be books; l won't stop reading. It's just that l don't always finish the book in time for Friday and there are other things l would like to talk about. So Friday is changing to books and more and today the post is about the more. I have a very simple record player. As you can see nothing fancy at all, but, it is mine and l love it. It's not working at the moment. That makes me sad as l recently bought this beauty. Nat King Cole had a beautiful voice and was gone much too soon. Tony Bennett was a wonderful singer too. If you're wondering where l bought these records l will tell you, Op Shops. They are usually a few dollars, a bit banged up and may be scratched. The Nat King Cole record doesn't even have a plastic sleeve. It just sits in the cardboard. Always check before buying 2nd hand records. Vinyl has a sound all of its' own. I do play a lot of music through YouTube, especially The Wicked No...