Books on Wednesday - Garry Disher

Do you keep reading a book even if it's not interesting. Do you think once started it needs to be finished?

There are 2 books in Books on Wednesday this week. Do l normally read more than one book a week, no, but l did start 2 this past week.

Do you keep books and re-read your favourites? I don't. Once a book is read it is passed onto someone else to enjoy. I know some people love their books and have groaning bookcases full to the brim. Good luck to those people but l am not one of them. Books can take over and personally l would rather pass it on and love the thought of a book going from hand to hand.

Garry Disher is this weeks author. He is a well known Australian author and his books are based in Melbourne, my home town. He is also a recipient of the Ned Kelly Award for Best Crime Fiction. His main character is Wyatt and this character features in both books.

Watch the video and see what l thought of them.


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