The Boys in the Boat


I saw this film on the weekend. 

I don't see many films as l'm not keen on most blockbuster type of films, but, l saw this one and thought it would be good. It was.

This film is based on a real life story of the USA rowing team winning gold at the 1936 Olympics in Germany. The only thing l knew about these Olympics was about Jesse Owens winning gold. So l was seeing a film about something new to me.

George Clooney directed and l think they have faithfully recreated the 1930's look with this film. The acting was good as was the writing. It showed the lives of some of the rowers at a time of great hardship and l think that a large part of the film was character driven, working as a team.

The other  real star of this film is the cinematography. As this a film about rowing there are scenes on the water. There is something about rowing. In my favourite novel of last year, Lessons in Chemistry, the main character was also a rower. There is something about rowing and being one with the boat. I know that The Husky Clipper was being rowed by actors but they must have learnt how to row and be very fit. The other crews around them must have been local rowing clubs. The footage, especially the overhead footage was wonderful; seeing all the boats glide through the water with all the oars moving as one was like seeing poetry in motion.

It all made for a very enjoyable film. Definitely worth seeing and l was surprised to also be interested in some of the shorts that were shown before the main film. Maybe l will be seeing more films in the future.

A good 4.5 stars.


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