
I have seen 2 choirs in the last 4 days.

It began on Thursday with the U3A Frankston Choir. This was their Christmas Concert and all they asked for was a gold coin. U3A, for those who don;t know, stands for University for the Third Age. That means that the singers where older but still so good. This is a mixed choir which means there were tenors, sopranos and everything in between.

There is something special about hearing all those voices sing as one. 

On Sunday l went to Mt Eliza to hear the Bel Canto Choir of Mt Eliza. This is female choir and, oh, what a treat. Do you see those windows? I sat watching cotton wool clouds drift across the sky while beautiful music washed over me.

Under the baton of Margaret Brown the choir soared as all the voices sang as one and it was beautiful.

Both Choirs performed in Uniting Churches and l think both had good acoustics that helped the music.

What a treat.


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