I have seen 2 choirs in the last 4 days.
It began on Thursday with the U3A Frankston Choir. This was their Christmas Concert and all they asked for was a gold coin. U3A, for those who don;t know, stands for University for the Third Age. That means that the singers where older but still so good. This is a mixed choir which means there were tenors, sopranos and everything in between.
There is something special about hearing all those voices sing as one.
On Sunday l went to Mt Eliza to hear the Bel Canto Choir of Mt Eliza. This is female choir and, oh, what a treat. Do you see those windows? I sat watching cotton wool clouds drift across the sky while beautiful music washed over me.

Both Choirs performed in Uniting Churches and l think both had good acoustics that helped the music.
What a treat.
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