Melbourne Chamber Orchestra


Yesterday l went to The Kingston Arts Centre to see the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra.

The day started with frustration. Buses replacing trains, train cancellations and then l turned left instead of right. That last mistake was due to my lousy sense of direction!

All of that meant l was late and had to creep in the dark. The attendants did point out some seats but l couldn't see them in the dark; it really was a comedy of errors.

Finally l could sit and listen to some beautiful music. 

This was a paired back orchestra, only 3 violins and a cello. What a treat. Violins soaring and that wonderful cello joining in. I think l missed the first 15 minutes but really enjoyed what l heard. I'm also thankful that the Orchestra came out and played in the suburbs. They usually play at the Melbourne Recital Centre which is in the CBD. This concert was at the Kingston Town Hall which is a part of Kingston Arts Centre and that Centre is in Moorabbin.

I will definitely see them at full strength in the Recital Centre next year, and l am already buying tickets for shows next year.

One thing l was thinking about while watching them play was maybe l could learn the violin. I love listing to a violin playing but think l would have the same problem l had when trying to learn the ukulele. I'm right handed when writing but left handed for everything else.

I've seen a lot of orchestra and l've never seen a left handed violin player. Have you?


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