Swan Lake


What a triumph.

I love ballet and l love this ballet. Apart from one slight passage of a couple dancing out of time, and it didn't last long, this production was so good. The sets were stunning, the dancing sublime and the music soared.

Odette was danced by Amber Scott and Prince Siegfried was danced by Callum Linnane. Jarryd Madden as von Rothbart was good-heartedly booed at the end. This production was performed by The Australian Ballet. I don't think l will ever tire of seeing a corps de ballet moving as one across a stage.

It was the final ballet for this season and they saved the best 'til last.

Tchaikovsky wrote the music for ballet and with the original choreography by Julius Reisinger it is an enduring  classic. Tchaikovsky had an unhappy life but l for one am so thankful for the beautiful  music he left the world.

What a treat.


If you would like to see a short video l made before we saw the show head over to the Emily Cat 176 You Tube Channel.


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